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  1. Mikel says:

    Thank you for such a comprehensive site. When the topic of survival is brought up in casual conversation, people look at me funny like I am nuts. I am sure you have experienced this before. America is lazy, unaware, and unprepared. I love the BSA motto of “Be Prepared”. This is reflected in every aspect of my life even though I was never a boy scout (will some day with my kids).

    Anyways I really enjoy reading your articles and product reviews. Your checklists also pointed out some missing items in my own bags.

    To increase our supplies, my wife has a smaller backpack with backup essentials such as food, water, knife, matches, light etc..

    I would imagine one could even get their kids an appropriate sized pack so dad is not carrying everything!

    As an engineer by trade, redundancy is key to success and instrumental in recovery from a failure event. This should also be reflected in our bug out bags. Thanks!

    September 1, 2008 @ 9:33 pm

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