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People want specifics, not generalities. When I give seminars and talks on the subject of survival, I am often asked about the contents of my personal survival kits. Not just what type of equipment and supplies I have, but what specific items and products I use. Often, people meeting me ask the same question, having previously read survival articles or product reviews I have written. Inevitably, the next question concerns what are my recommendations for the best items to include in their own kit? And, so it goes, no end to the questions.
These sorts of questions, and many more on the subject of survival, have provided the impetus for this Web site. I started Equipped To Survive in hopes of providing some answers to these and other questions about survival and survival equipment. I am appreciative of the interest shown by so many who have visited the site, and for the encouragement I've received from them.
Besides making specific recommendations, I've also tried to include information on how and why I came to my conclusions. Hopefully, this will allow the reader to evaluate similar products themselves, based upon the criteria given.
Our commitment to independent, thorough, well-researched and documented journalism, and to forthright, no-BS presentation is central to our publishing philosophy and to maintaining the highest standards of journalism to which we aspire. I believe that when dealing with safety and survival, when peoples' lives hang in the balance, nothing less is acceptable.
Except where specifically noted, all the products mentioned and endorsed on the ETS web site have been evaluated personally by the author of the article. Articles without any byline have been authored by me.
The guidance and opinions expressed here are my own, unless noted otherwise. These are based on personal experience, including attendance at various survival schools, field work, testing, research and no small amount of input from experts on various subject matter, whose experience and knowledge I respect. Experts don't always agree and often vehemently disagree. Where appropriate, I've tried to present both sides. In other areas, I've come to my own conclusions after considerable deliberation, offering you what I consider the best choice or most reasonable or practical alternative. If you want to take issue with anything here, you know where to find me.
I couldn't begin to thank all the people who generously contributed to the task of putting this site together, without making it half again larger. However, there are a few who I owe special mention.
Finally, before closing here, I must thank my lovely wife Sue, who puts up with me in the first place and doesn't get too upset with the piles of equipment being evaluated that sometimes take over the house. She even assists in the evaluation of some equipment which is, more often than not, an exercise that is less than pleasant and not even close to her idea of fun. For her support I am eternally grateful.
If my volunteer proofreaders' eyes managed to miss something, and no doubt they have, and you notice any errors, typos or the like in this site, I'd certainly appreciate an Email message so I can make corrections. I sincerely appreciate the errors already caught and passed along to me by readers. As a result, there should be many fewer for others to catch.
Thanks for your interest and support.
-- Doug Ritter
Publisher and Editor: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
Revision: 007 October 12, 1996
Email to: info@pulvertech.com
© 1994 - 1996 Douglas S. Ritter & Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Check our Copyright Information page for additional information. |
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