Survival Books, Publications & Videos
There are a multitude of books and manuals on the subject of survival. Most have
flaws, to one degree or another, in my opinion, but generally the best ones do a good job
and even the poor ones won't likely kill you. The survival book reviews and ratings included here will guide you to those that will best suit your needs.
However, even the best book is not a substitute for
hands-on training! The techniques described in these books need to be practiced before you
find yourself in a position to use them to save your life.
Some of the best books are out of print, but most can still be found via's used book services or at local used book stores. If your favorite survival book is missing, please
contact us with the title, author, publisher and the ISBN number, if known.
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For our purposes, we have arbitrarily divided the technical publications into two categories, texts and survival manuals. A survival text is designed primarily to be read in the comfort of your home and provide you with a solid and comprehensive foundation; a textbook, as it were. A survival manual is designed for quick reference in the field. Generally, it is less exhaustive and/or deals primarily with the basics. Some texts can be used as survival manuals, if space permits, but a survival manual is not really a substitute for a good survival text. The book reviews indicate which will serve as a survival manual. And, none of the is a substitute for hands-on training.
We have also included books relating true-life survival experiences. There is a great deal that can be learned from reading these survival adventures.
98.6 Degrees - The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive! |
| Cody Lundin,
2003 Cody Lundin, Gibbs Smith Publisher, ISBN:1-58685-234-5, 214 pages, 6 x 9 x 1/2 inches
This is not your father's survival manual. Cody's unique and somewhat irreverent approach serves to capture your attention. By and large it is filled with practical and useable advice that will, indeed, "keep your ass alive." Cody covers both the physiological and psychological aspects of survival in a manner that is both entertaining and insightful.
Besides Cody's no BS prose, there are excellent, if occasionally non-politically correct, original illustrations by Russ Miller and good color photographs. With few exceptions, Cody's suggestions as far as gear and preparation are spot on, and even those I might not agree with 100% will not lead you astray or get you in trouble. If you find "colorful" language and illustrations offensive, this is definitely not the book for you. Otherwise, this text is well worth the read and deserves a place in anyone's survival library, both for the laughs and the solid, practical survival advice it provides. Lundin operates Aboriginal Living Skills School and is also the author of "When All Hell Breaks Loose - Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes."
AF Regulation 64-4 United States Air Force Search and Rescue Survival Training (Reprint) |
| U.S. Military,
2002 Metro Books, ISBN:1-58663-722-3, 620 pages, 7 1/4 x 10 1/4 x 1 7/8 inches
This is an excellent reprint of the Survival Training bible upon which numerous other commercial and military survival texts are based. You will find portions of this text reused verbatim and many of the illustrations in this book reprinted in commercial texts. While somewhat dated (and reportedly under revision for years), it remains the essential survival text, covering survival techniques for all climates and terrains. This is a MUST HAVE and ESSENTIAL text for every survival library.
This reprint is exceptional and better than the original in many respects. It will fit on most book shelves, the original was taller. Unlike the original, it has a complete index which eliminates the often maddening searches required in the original. It is worth the price of admission for this alone, even if you already own the original. There are all new color photo plates and the nearly eight hundred black-and-white illustrations are clear and crisp.
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Aircrew Survival - AF Pamphlet 36-2246 (original was 64-5) |
| 1996 (original 1985), U.S. Government
Printing Office, ISBN:0-16-048561-4, 121 pages, 7 3/8 x 4 1/2 x 1/2 inches, 9.8 oz., waterproof
(NOTE: This manual has been superceded. Click to go to the new version. I have left this review because this older version is still available.) The survival manual included in the survival kits of U.S. military pilots and aircraft. A distillation of the information contained in the survival "bible," the USAF's enormous tome on Survival Training, AFR 64-4. Waterproof paper and top wire
bound. This edition has a dark green cover and light
green pages with black ink (as opposed to white with black of the original), making it harder
to read, but less likely to give away the survivor's position to the enemy. They also
removed the blank pages at the end that could be used to write notes or to keep a log, an
unfortunate deletion. About as dry reading as any other military manual, but all the
information is there in concise and easy to understand text. Generally good illustrations.
Incomprehensibly, this edition still retains the
old-fashioned and dangerous snake-bite treatment.
You can ignore, or remove to save weight, the pages on "evading the enemy" and nuclear,
chemical and biological warfare.(NOTE: This manual has been superceded. Click to go to the new version.) |
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FM 21-76 Survival Field Manual - U.S. Army |
| 1992, U.S. Government
Printing Office
This "revision" of the U.S. Army survival manual is published in paperback by a number of publishers in a variety of sizes, though in many cases it is an earlier version, so be sure to check. In many cases they have removed the escape and evasion information. As a manual it's not bad, similar to the USAF above, but not waterproof and a bit more detailed in many instances. Source material also comes from the AFR 64-4.
[NOTE: This manual is available online here on ETS]
(NOTE: This manual has been superceded. Click to go to the new version.)
The FM 21-76 reprint from (below) does not include the escape and evasion information.
Adventure Travel In The Third World |
| Jeff Randall and Mike Perrin,
2003 Jeff Randall and Mike Perrin, Paladin Press, ISBN:1-58160-381-9, 261 pages, 0.75 x 5.50 x 8.50 inches
This book serves as a primer on how to navigate the potentially wild and wooly world of adventure travel in third world countries as safely as possible. Randall and Perrin cover everything from how to chose a suitable adventure travel destination and guide to basic wilderness survival and include recommendations for what name brand gear to take. Readers benefit from their extensive experience in the Central and South American jungles and their hard-won lessons learned about what works and what doesn't. For those who are accustomed to operating in the comfortable and insulated confines of modern society, this book is a must read before you even think about venturing off on your first adventure travel experience. Randall operates Randall's Adventure & Training.
The Basic Essentials of Desert Survival |
| Dave
Ganci, 1991 Dave Ganci, ICS Books, ISBN:0-934802-67-X, 64 pages, 6 x 9 x 3/16 inches
Exactly what the title says. Does a good job of debunking many myths about desert survival techniques. Anyone who is preparing for a possible desert survival situation would benefit from the information in this text. Solid, practical advice presented in a readable and sometimes humorous fashion. Oriented towards the U.S. Southwestern Deserts, but generally applicable to most desert environments. The awkward size doesn't lend itself as well to use as a field manual as I would prefer, but if size is not an issue, for a desert environment survival kit, it would advantageous to have along. Ganci operates Arizona Outdoor Institute.
Bushcraft: Outdoor Skills & Wilderness Survival
| Mors L. Kochanski, 1987
Lone Pine Publishing, ISBN: 1-55105-122-2, 303 pages, 5 9/16 x 8 1/2 x 3/4 inches
Canadian Kochinski is the widely acknowledged master of survival in the northern arboreal forests. While this text includes some skills more suitable for someone setting up housekeeping in the wilderness, it provides practical and functional advice that works. It has become a classic survival text for exactly that reason.
Like many traditional outdoorsmen, Kochanski is skilled and appreciative of an axe's capabilities. He is realist enough to acknowledge its drawbacks in the hands of the inexperienced and he goes to great lengths to discuss and illustrate the safe use of this dangerous tool. His Axecraft chapter is a definitive primer on the subject. Similarly, the Knifecraft chapter is the best introduction to the safe and practical use of a knife that you will find anywhere.
The entire text is well illustrated with excellent line drawings and a few color plates in the back. Kochanski is associated with Karamat Wilderness Ways.
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The Camper's Pocket Handbook - A backcountry traveler's companion
| John Goll - Edited
by Harry Roberts, 1992 J.Goll, ICS Books, ISBN:0-934802-64-5, 128 pages, 3 5/8 x 4 3/8 x
5/16 inches
Just because it doesn't have "survival" in the title, doesn't mean this little gem doesn't
make a dandy survival manual. Compact enough for small kits, enough information to be useful in larger ones. A lot of excellent practical tips and information in a compact package. If you need a very compact manual, this may be perfect for you.
Camping and Woodcraft: A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travelers in the Wilderness
| Horace Kephart, Jim Casada, 1988
Univ. of Tennessee Press, ISBN:0-87049-556-9, 479 pages, 5 x 7 x 1 7/8 inches
A facsimile edition of Kephart's evergreen classic originally published in 1917. Proof that there is very little new under the sun, this journey back in time reveals that the basics of living in the wilderness haven't changed a great deal in the past century. While there is some inevitable dated material, we have progressed in areas such as medicines and materials, for example, the vast majority is as relevant today as when it was first written.
Don't let the title fool you, there's plenty of solid information relating to wilderness survival, primarily in the forested environment. Kephart learned by living for years alone in the woods; most of his eminently practical advice comes from personal experience. Some of the dated material is quite humorous, prices of goods being an example, and the writing style and some perspectives will occasionally seem a bit quaint by today's standards, but that all only adds to the appeal.
Because of the dated information, some of which would be dangerous based on current knowledge, this is not a book for the novice who has done no previous reading or has no knowledge about wilderness survival. Anyone else will find it fascinating and entertaining and well worth the time it takes to read through the thick tome. There is a good reason it remains in print nearly a century after first being written. This classic belongs on the bookshelf of anyone interested in wilderness survival.
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Commonsense Outdoor Medicine and Emergency Companion
| Newell D. Breyfogle, 1993 Ragged
Mountain Press, Ragged Mountain Press, ISBN:0-87742-381-4, 432 pages, 5 x 7 x 1 1/4
See cross listing in Wilderness and Survival Medical
Is it a medical text that thinks it's a survival manual, or is it a survival manual with
more extensive coverage of medical concerns than most? The survival portion isn't as
comprehensive as the medical section, but it would suffice as a survival manual, though it is
not a lightweight. Many survival kits weigh less. Well illustrated, it reads like it was
written by a college professor. Surprise! It was. The survival information is practical and
adequately covers all the basics. You could do a lot worse.
Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why |
| Laurence Gonzales, 2003 Laurence Gonzales, W.W. Norton & Company, (Hadrcover) ISBN:0-393-05276-1, 302 pages, 1 x 9.5 x 6.5 inches / (Paperback) ISBN:0-393-32615-2, 318 pages, 0.78 x 8.28 x 5.52 inches
 Gonzales' examination of what separates those who survive from those who die may be one of the most important survival texts in a decade, perhaps more. That Gonzales is an articulate and accomplished storyteller who has written one of the most engrossing survival books in many years only adds to the value and enjoyment. This is not a book of survival tales, per se, or about survival equipment or traditional survival techniques, no "how to" here; rather it is about your number one survival tool, more important than any other, your mind.
Survival tales, well told, make for exciting literature and there is no shortage of books that do just that, either individually or anthologies. What separates these same tales as told by Gonzales is his analysis of the psychological basis for why an individual survived, oftentimes while others around them did not. He probes the psyche of these survivors and comes to some interesting and occasionally startling conclusions about what differentiates survivors from the rest. His explanations are both rational and easily followed and you will often find yourself nodding your head up and down as he dissects the mental processes and related physiological reactions that make the difference between life and death at the edge of human performance.
Do you have what it takes to survive or are you doomed? It has often been said that you will never know how someone will respond to a survival crises until it occurs. Now, perhaps, Gonzales may provide at least some advance insight. Not since John Leach's highly regarded, but scholarly, "Survival Psychology" (long out of print and virtually unavailable, even used) has there been anything approaching an insightful look at what makes a survivor tick, and this book is far more readable and useful to the average person in all respects.
"Deep Survival" is destined to become the standard text on the subject and is sure to be on the required reading list of many survival instructors. This book is a must read for anyone even remotely interested in the subject of survival, and highly recommended to anyone interested in why we do what we do as we go through life, meeting the daily challenges that are often only a hair's breadth away from disaster.
Pilots will recognize Gonzales as the author of "One Zero Charlie: Adventures in Grass Roots Aviation."
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Desert Survival |
| Dick Nelson and Sharon Nelson, 1977
Richard C. Nelson and Sharon Nelson, Tecolote Press, ISBN:0-915030-06-3, 80 pages, 5
1/2 x 8 1/2 x 1/4 inches
A somewhat dated text, but still useful. Lots of good, sound, practical advice on
desert survival. A bit dry at times, but tolerable. Not much in the way of illustrations.
Oriented towards the U.S. Southwestern Deserts, but generally applicable to most desert
environments. No index! Could be used as a manual to include in a
desert survival kit. |
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Desert Survival Handbook |
| Charles A. Lehman, 1998
Primer Publishing, ISBN:0-935810-65-X, 96 pages, 5
1/2 x 8 3/8 x 1/4 inches
Typical Lehman, good, sound, practical, basic advice on desert survival with a touch of humor and good illustrations. Oriented towards the U.S. Southwestern Deserts, but generally applicable to most desert
environments. Could be used as a manual to include in a desert survival kit.
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Desert Survival Skills |
| David Alloway, 2000 David Alloway, University of Texas Press, ISBN:0-292-70492-5, 259 pages, 9 1/2 x 6 x 7/8 inches
While Alloway's focus is the Chihuhuan desert (think S.W. Texas) most of the excellent information is equally applicable to most any desert environment. The specifics of some plants may differ, but the techniques for survival remain the same. Alloway dispenses with many myths about the desert and desert survival and offers sound, useful advice and plenty of it. It's well written and instructions are easy to follow for the most part.
While the illustrations could be better in a few cases, this is the most complete available desert survival text and should be required reading for anyone who lives or travels in desert areas. Could be used as a manual to include it in a desert survival kit. Alloway operated David Alloway's Skills of Survival school before passing away suddenly in 2003.
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Desert Survival - Tips, Tricks. & Skills |
| Tony Nester, 2003 Tony Nester, Diamond Creek Press, ISBN:0-9713811-1-9, 70 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 1/4 inches, 4.9 oz.
Nester's compact text on Desert Survival is focused on the deserts of the American Southwest, but the majority of information is just as appropriate for any desert environment. This is not an all-inclusive text, rather, as the title suggests, it is a collection of practical information you need to survive most desert survival circumstances. The "tips, tricks and skills" provided are easy to understand, effective and can be put to use by even the most inexperienced.
The photographic illustrations provided are effective and used to good effect; sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Could be used as a manual to include in a desert survival kit. Nester operates the Ancient Pathways survival school and is also the author of "Practical Survival - Tips, Tricks, & Skills" and "Surviving A Disaster - Evacuation Strategies and Emergency Kits for Staying Alive."
Emergency Survival - How To Handle Emergencies That
Can Threaten Your Life
| Charles Lehman,
1979 George R. Fessler, Jr., Technical Book Co., ISBN:0-935810-03-X, 153 pages, 5 1/4 x
8 3/8 x 7/16 inches
Well written, humorously illustrated, light but informative. If you have little or no
previous wilderness or survival experience, this text is a good place to start. Could be used
as a manual, but is not comprehensive. Just the essentials, which will be enough for many.
The Handbook for Aviation Survival Sense - A practical guide to survival skills development, planning and preparedness.
| Robert "Skip" Stoffel and Brett C. Stoffel, Emergency Response International, ISBN:N/A, 160 pages, 4 1/4 x 7 1/2 (including wire binding) x 1/2 inches, 6.7 oz (191 g), Waterpoof
This manual is edited by Skip Stoffel, President and founder of Emergency Response International and his son. Skip is a co-author of the well-regarded Survival Sense for Pilots and Passengers that is now out of print.
The manual attempts to distill Skip's many years of experience teaching aviation and wilderness survival into a useable format and for the most part succeeds. There are plenty of useful illustrations, some we have seen in many manuals previously, some new and exclusive to this manual.
The subtitle provides a pretty accurate description of what to expect, "a practical guide to survival skills development, planning and preparedness." So, it is by design not strictly a field manual. Chapters are divided into "Field Guide" and "Planning" sections, but the planning sections are brief and do not significantly detract from its use as a field manual.
The information is generally laid out in a logical fashion and most of the guidance I found to be practical, functional and useful. I might quibble with a number of minor things, but none of that would kill you and there's a lot more excellent advice that will save your butt.
The Survival Medicine section is primarily a series of charts with few illustrations and more useful to someone who already has some training, as cautioned in a note, but that's a truism about survival skills in general. Still, I'd have preferred more treatment related illustrations.
The life raft section has been copied from a Winslow LifeRaft Company life raft manual, which isn't such a bad thing, but it detracts somewhat by being Winslow specific in many instances.
Waterproof survival manuals are pretty rare, despite how much sense it makes for them to be resistant to the most common enemy of the written word in a survival circumstance. So, this new waterproof survival manual is a welcome addition, though you do have to pay for that advantage: $28 (as of 11/2009).
The book is sized on par with the old Aircrew Survival manual (though it is a far, far better manual) and not all that lightweight, so it is appropriate for a larger survival kit, not a compact one. In other words, perfect for an aircraft or vehicle kit as opposed to a personal kit. While clearly marketed to pilots and aircraft operators, it is plenty approrpiate for non-aviation use well. This is a good choice for someone looking for an in-depth survival manual, more so if they have at least basic survival and medical training to begin with.
At this writing, this book is only available from ERI.
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A Handbook For Wilderness Survival
| Bob Harris, 1996
Bob Harris, M. Evans and Company, ISBN:0-87131-787-7, 254 pages, 4 1/2 x 7 x 3/4
A pretty complete manual, its only significant failings are too few illustrations and NO
INDEX! Harris has a nice way with words and he has a solid and pretty practical approach
to survival. With very little work, this could be an excellent survival
Outdoor Survival Skills - Sixth
Edition |
| Larry Dean Olsen, 1997 Olsen, Chicago
Review, ISBN:1-55652-323-8, 272 pages, 6 x 9 x 1/2 inches
Primitive survival skills are the basis for Olsen's approach. While this doesn't suit
everyone's interests, there is much to be learned here for anyone interested in survival.
Modern equipment just makes some things easier, but it doesn't hurt to understand how to do
it when caught out without your equipment. This text is well written and nicely illustrated
and the survival concepts are solid and useful. (See Boulder Outdoor Survival School for survival courses
based on Olsen's concepts.)
(also Pocket Books, Mass Market Paperback, ISBN:0-671-72298-0, 224 pages)
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OUTsmart Field Guide
| Ron Dawson, 1998 Ron Dawson, Integrity House Publishing, ISBN:0-9647141-3-2, 58 pages, 3 3/4 x 7 x 3/16
inches, 2.9 oz.
See cross listing in Wilderness and Survival Medical
This is the latest version of this publication that lost a little something along the way--waterproofness. The expense was apparently too great to continue to produce the waterproof editon, but this is printed on glossy heavyweight stock, so it's better than many at shedding an occasional drenching or some rain--a fair compromise. Perforated page edges allow you to tab index the book, making it a snap to find what you need using the table of contents at the front, a very nice feature. First half of this survival manual covers first aid, second half covers survival. It covers all the basics for both in a succinct and easily understood manner. Not the smallest and not the most complete, something in-between. |
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Practical Outdoor Survival - A Modern Approach
| Len McDougall,
1992 Len McDougall, Lyons & Burford Publishers, ISBN:1-55821-228-0, 148 pages, 5
1/2 x 8 3/16 x 7/16 inches
If by "practical" the author means survival techniques that are likely usable by the
average person, I'm not so sure he succeeds. There are still plenty of esoteric techniques
that go well beyond my definition of practical. Not the best organized manual, but reasonably
complete and adequate for most novices. Well written, but it could stand a few more
illustrations. Not very compact. McDougall operates Ranger Wilderness Survival School.
Practical Survival - Tips, Tricks, & Skills |
| Tony Nester,
2001 Tony Nester, Diamond Creek Press, ISBN:0-9713811-0-0, 34 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 1/8 inches, 2.1 oz.
The title is an apt description. While of limited scope, it is only 34 pages, it provides practical, easily accomplished, basic survival techniques based on having a minimum of fundamental survival gear. Techniques are generally very well described and illustrated with excellent photos, the exception being the signaling section which could have used some illustrations. Would do fine as a minimal survival manual for a modest sized kit, though the large format works against it for smaller kits. Nester operates Ancient Pathways survival school and is also the author of "Desert Survival - Tips, Tricks, & Skills" and "Surviving A Disaster - Evacuation Strategies and Emergency Kits for Staying Alive."
The Ron Cordes Pocket Guide To Outdoor Survival |
| Ron Cordes & Stan Bradshaw, 1994 R.A. Cordes,
Pocket Guides Publishing, ISBN:1-931676-08-9, 26 pages, 3 5/8 x 4 1/2 x 1/4 inches (7/16 in. spiral binding)
Totally waterproof, each page is a stiff plastic sheet with a tab for the subject covered. Spiral bound, the pages lay flat when open and won't close on you. With only 26 compact pages there's no room for a lot, but all the basic survival skills are included. Compact size is small enough for even a small survival kit with clear illustrations and easy to understand instructions. This is the best fully waterproof manual in print.
SAS Survival Guide - Collins Gem
Edition |
| John
1986 John Wiseman, HarperCollins Publishers, ISBN:0-00-470167-4, 384 pages, 3
1/4 x 4 5/8 x 11/16 inches, 6.7 oz.
This is a reduced size version of Wiseman's original, "The SAS Survival Handbook,"
a seriously large and unwieldy tome. Everything is included from the original. The type is
very small, but readable. However, it wouldn't hurt to tuck a plastic fresnel lens magnifier
into the manual, if packed in a survival kit.
As a general survival manual, you'd be hard pressed to find anything as complete in as
small a package. Having a British author and published in England, it is full of the King's
English, but it is generally understandable even to us Yanks. Terrain and climate coverage
is comprehensive. Survival techniques and skills covered range from the most basic to some
more sophisticated long term survival techniques that are probably beyond either the skills or
needs of most survivors. It is very well illustrated, including full color illustrations of
plants, both good and bad, and the less than desirable critters of which a survivor needs to be
wary. The medical section is adequate for most survival uses and includes a listing and color
illustrations of medicinal plants.
There is no index, unfortunately, but the table of contents is fairly well done. The
book is generally well organized and warning and cautions are clearly marked with a light
red background so they will not be missed. It is not waterproof (see below for the waterproof edition). All in all, this is one of the
best available survival manuals in a compact package that adds to its appeal. It is also
bargain priced at under $10, making it an excellent value.
SAS Survival Flickbook |
| John
1995 John Wiseman, HarperCollins Publishers, ISBN:0-00-255804-1, 110 pages, 2 3/8 x 6 1/4 x 15/16 inches, 7.0 oz., waterproof
This is a condensed version of the above "SAS Survival Guide" printed on heavy water-resistant stock, making it a good choice as a survival manual. The pages are secured at one corner with a plastic rivet and you fan the pages out to read them. The various sections are color coded and there is a good table of contents, but no index.
All the above comments on content apply, but there is simply a bit less of it, both text and illustrations. The editors have done a pretty good job of distilling it down to the essential information you need most.
You can count on one hand, with fingers to spare, the number of waterproof or water-resistant survival manuals, and this is the pick of the litter.
Snow Camping - The Complete Guide To Enjoying The
Backcountry |
| Jo Ann Creore, 1992 Lone Pine Publishing,
Lone Pine Publishing, ISBN:1-55105-011-0, 220 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 1/2 inches
Creore shares her considerable experience camping in the winter in this excellent text
on cold weather winter operations. While it is not a survival book, per se, it offers a wealth
of practical tips and suggestions for dealing with the cold and snow and ice. Anyone
anticipating the possibility of survival in cold weather would do well to avail themselves of
these hard earned lessons.
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Survival - A Manual That Could Save
Your Life
| Chris and
Gretchen Janowsky, 1986 Janowsky, Paladin Press, ISBN:0-87364-506-5, 195 pages, 5 3/8 x
8 3/8 x 1/2 inches
Comprehensive, but not overblown, treatment of wilderness survival, primarily
oriented towards the mountain, forest and arctic environments. Wordy at times, but
tolerable. Well illustrated. Appropriate for use as a survival manual. Janowski (RIP - 2006) operated the World Survival Institute
Janowski also has a series of videos: Wilderness
Survival - How To Prevail In Hostile Environments
| Xavier Maniguet (translated by Ivanka Roberts), 1988 Xavier Maniguet, 1994 Facts On File, ISBN:0-8160-2518-5, 464 pages, 6 7/16 x
9 1/4 x 1 5/8 inches
Maniguet is a French doctor who writes from the perspective of the effects of survival environments on the human body. Grounded in human physiology, this unique perspective provides a different frame of reference from most survival texts. The scope is vast and detail provides a wealth of insight. Somewhat dated in places and a few of his theories are not necessarily widely shared within the survival community, such as drinking sea water for survival in an ocean survival situation. He also uses some unexplained technical, medical and anatomical terminology that may have a reader looking for a dictionary at times. Having said that, it is an excellent text overall and provides some useful and valuable in-depth background for anyone serious about survival.
Survival, Evasion, and Recovery - Multiservice Procedures For Survival, Evasion, And Recovery |
| 1999, Air Land Sea Application Center, 104 pages, 7 3/8 x 4 1/2 x 3/8 inches, 5.7 oz., waterproof
[NOTE: Available online here on ETS in PDF format]
The latest version of the survival manual included in the survival kits of the U.S.
military. A distillation of the information contained in the survival "bible," the USAF's enormous tome on Survival Training, AFR 64-4 and updated from the previous version which contained a significant amount of outmoded information. Now a multiservice publication used by all branches of the U.S. military (FM 21-76-1, MCRP 3-02H, NWP 3-50.3, AFTTP(I) 3-2-2.6). They basically fixed it all, there's little to find fault with. Waterproof paper and top wire bound with tan cover and pages with black ink (much easier to read than the previous version). It's also much thinner and nearly half the weight of the previous version. About as dry reading as any other military manual, but all the information is there in concise and easy to understand text with generally good illustrations. You can ignore, or remove to save a bit of weight, the seven pages on "evading the enemy" and nuclear, chemical and biological warfare.
[NOTE: An updated and revised U.S. Military Survival Manual, renumbered under the latest U.S. Military Field Manual numbering system to FM 3-05.70, is available online via ETS and can be found here.
Survival Psychology |
| John Leach, 1994 John Leach, New Your University Press, ISBN:0-8147-5090-1, 220 pages, 0.75 x 8.75 x 5.75 inches
Leach presents a relatively scholarly look at the psychology of survival, what makes survivors tick. He also examines the interrelationship between the psychological and physiological aspects of survival.
This is not a book written for the person not seriously interested in the subject of survival, but for a true student of survival, there is a tremendous amount of very useful information here that you won't find elsewhere in the generally available literature. It is highly recommended (but unfortunately long out of print and very difficult and generally expensive to obtain even on the used book market).
Survival Secrets
| Brian Emdin, 2002 Spotted Cow Press, ISBN:0-9694665-5-2, 128 pages, 6 x 9 x 3/8 inches
Key to Edmin's techniques is "learning the drill" or having, and then promptly executing the "survival plan" around which this book is constructed. It is filled with practical advice with generally good original illustrations. His unique snow shelter construction method is a practical alternative to traditional impractical igloo construction. Snare technique is also nontraditional, but practical. One of the few significant lapses is in survival signaling where use of a signal mirror is given short shrift and a poor illustration. A few old wive's tales find their way into the text, such as boiling for 10 minutes to disinfect water (simply bring to a boil is adequate), but nothing dangerous. Emdin is a former Canadian Air Force survival instructor and this manual shows a bias toward cold environment survival with other environments receiving relatively little attention. No index, but a good table of contents.
Survival Sense for Pilots and
| Robert Stoffel
and Patrick LaValla, 1980 Emergency Response Institute, ISBN:0-913724-24-6, 224 pages, 5
x 8 1/4 x 1/2 inches (OUT OF PRINT)
The only survival text aimed specifically at the pilot, it contains an abundance of
practical information. The title sums up the content quite nicely. Serves as an excellent text
on survival issues and techniques. A bit technical at times, but well written and
understandable with detailed information and explanations and plenty of good charts, tables
and illustrations. Not really written as a concise survival manual, though it could be used in
the field. Should be on every pilot's bookshelf!
Robert Stoffel operates Emergency Response International.
Patrick Lavalla operates the Emergency Response Institute.
Surviving A Wilderness Emergency - Practical advice on what to do when you find yourself in trouble in the backcountry
| Peter Kummerfeldt, 2006 Peter Kummerfeldt, OutdoorSafe Press, ISBN:0-9776459-0-8, 156 pages, 6 x 9 x 1/2 inches
Peter's emphasis on practical survival skills and his clear writing style make this an excellent introduction to survival. Peter covers all the essential skills and offers sound and practical advice, as well as well-founded recommendations for survival gear that fall in line with my own for the most part. He doesn't shun the latest technology that offers advantages for the survivor, but doesn't ignore tried and trued either when they are better choices.
One thing I particularly like is the acknowledgement that many traditional survival skills just aren't practical in the real world and that survivors need to take advantage of the gear that's readily available to them. For example, as he points out, building a shelter from natural materials can be problematic in many survival circumstances, so better to carry a lightweight shelter with you. He then covers the many such alternatives available and their advantages and disadvantages and how to best use them. This aligns with my experience and philosophy about survival very nicely, so it's easy for me to recommend this book.
The only complaint I can make of any significance is that despite an abundance of photos in the book, there are a few illustrations that I'd have expected that are missing. For example, while he covers signal mirrors and what to carry, there's no illustration of how to use one. But, all in all, a minor quibble for an otherwise excellent text.
Peter also covers the other critical subjects such as the psychology of survival and basic survival medicine, so it is a well-rounded coverage of the subject. If you are new to the topic of survival or just looking for practical suggestions about what gear to carry and how to use it, this is the book for you. The sub-title pretty much sums up what to expect; read and follow Peter's advice and you're going to be well-prepared to survive if you find yourself in trouble in the backcountry.
Peter Kummerfelt operates the OutdoorSafe survival school and is also the producer of a video, "Preparing To Survive with Peter Kummerfledt."
Surviving The Unexpected Wilderness Emergency
| Gene Fear, 1972-
1979 Eugene Fear, Survival Education Association, ISBN:0-913724-02-5, 190 pages, 6 3/4 x
8 1/2 x 7/16 inches
Well written, humorously illustrated, light but informative. If you have little or no
previous wilderness or survival experience, this text is a good place to start. Could be used
as a manual, but is not comprehensive and the oversize format is awkward. Just the
essentials, which will be enough for many.
The Complete Book of Outdoor Survival - Revised Edition |
| J. Wayne Fears, 1999 Fears, Krause Publications, ISBN:0-87341-849-2, 368 pages, 11 x 8.5 x .75 inches
Short on extreme techniques, long on practical skills and tips, exactly what you need. This latest revision of a classic survival text updates the original with more modern technology, but the latest technologies in some areas, like signaling for example, are not included. Covers survival basics as well as offering specific suggestions for specific environments. Well written, easy to understand and some excellent real life survival stories to emphasize critical points. Well illustrated, but some of the images are dated, detracting from what is otherwise a very good presentation. Far too large to take with you as a survival manual, but recommended for your survival bookshelf.
The Unthinkable - Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - And Why |
| Amanda Ripley, 2008 Ripley, Crown Publishers, ISBN:0-30735-289-7 / 978-0307352897, HB 266 pages, 9.6 x 6.1 x 1.4 inches
Tom Brown's Field Guide to
Wilderness Survival
| Tom Brown,
Jr. and
Brandt Morgan, 1987 Tom Brown, Jr., Berkley Publishing, ISBN:0-425-10572-5, 240 pages,
Tom Brown, Jr's techniques are rooted in Native American traditions and experience.
He emphasizes primitive skills and tools. Somewhat spiritual in nature, his texts make for
enjoyable reading and there is plenty of good survival
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Wilderness Survival
| Gregory J. Davenport, 1998
Gregory J. Davenport, Stackpole Books, ISBN:0-8117-2985-0, 182 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 x 9/16 inches
A former USAF survival instructor, Davenport has, for the most part, distilled down to the essentials the USAF's enormous tome on Survival Training, AFR 64-4. As such, it's a whole lot more usable than that unwieldy monster and his writing is a lot easier to read that the military text. A lot of the illustrations will be familiar to those who've read government survival manuals, but he has also added more, as well as a few photos. By and large, the illustrations serve the reader well, though some of the photos are not particularly well reproduced.
This text is aptly, is somewhat uncreatively named--its focus is solely on wilderness survival skills and techniques. The book is generally organized along the same lines as 64-4, which is fine, but a few things seem out of place, such as putting the Improvisation Rules and the STOP acronym at the back of the book in the chapter on Health under Overcoming Survival Stress. There are also a few non-critical anachronistic errors, such as the recommendation to boil water for 10 minutes in order to purify it, and then there's the the CPR instructions lifted directly from an American Heart Association publication which include instructions to call 911, hardly appropriate in a wilderness setting. The good news is these things won't kill you, but they do detract from an otherwise better survival text
The military survival influence is strong, which is nothing to carp about since it is well proven. In some areas where technology has progressed beyond the military standard, the information is not the latest, signal flares being a good example, but in other areas, such as using a cell phone to call for help, he has covered the technical advances. Again, nothing that'll kill you, just not as up-to-date as it could be. The index is satisfactory.
Overall, this is a good survival text that can serve well as a survival manual for a larger kit, though it isn't waterproof. It would be a fine addition to anyone's library of survival texts. Davenport operates Simply Survival survival school.
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Wilderness Survival
| Tim Kneeland, 1984
Tim Kneeland and Associates, No ISBN, Order: 800-433-0528, 31 pages, 5 1/2 x 4 1/8 x
3/32 inches
A compact manual for small and compact survival kits. Only the very basics, no
more. |
Surviving A Disaster - Evacuation Strategies and Emergency Kits for Staying Alive |
| Tony Nester, 2007 Tony Nester, Diamond Creek Press, ISBN:0971381127, 57 pages, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 3/16 inches
Survival instructor and author Tony Nester addresses the issue of Disaster Preparedness and preparing to "bug out" if necessary. Tony spent a good deal of time interviewing those who have lived through recent disasters and reaped the lessons learned that are incorporated in his recommendations. His spare, concise and succinct style stuffs a lot of useful information into this compact book. It's all meat, no fluff.
Tony's focus is on preparing to evacuate in case a disaster hits, or is threatened, and you must leave home. If you are prepared to leave in a hurry, you are also just about prepared to stay if it becomes a shelter in place situation, which he also touches on. While I might nitpick on a few of Tony's gear selections, it would boil down to matters of personal taste about particular gear; what he's selected and recommends will work. You really can't ask for much more in a book such as this.
The suggestions and gear and supply lists Tony provides are totally practical, and for the most part, not expensive or difficult. He's essentially prepared you an easy to follow, concise road map to disaster preparedness for you and your family. Get this book, do what it says and you'll be prepared--and way ahead of 99% of your neighbors. When disaster strikes, you'll be out the door with your emergency supplies and belongings in 15 minutes while everyone else is in a panic. Can't ask for much more out of any how-to book.
Nester operates the Ancient Pathways survival school and is also the author of "Practical Survival - Tips, Tricks, & Skills" and "Desert Survival - Tips, Tricks. & Skills."
When All Hell Breaks Loose - Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes |
| Cody Lundin, 2007 Cody Lundin, Gibs Publishing, ISBN:142360105X, 449 pages, 9 x 6 x 15/16 inches
Survival instructor and author Cody Lundin provides his take on the issue of Disaster Preparedness. Cody uses plain-spoken and occasionally irreverent language and a touch of humor to make his points. It's generally entertaining reading, which is a good start when you've got 449 pages to get through.
The focus is primarily how to prepare to survive a disaster while staying in your own home in your own community, what is technically referred to as "sheltering in place." That isn't necessarily clear from the title or the summary. Oftentimes when disaster strikes the only solution is to get the hell out of there. While Cody touches on the subject of evacuation, there's very little on "bugging out" here (though much of the gear and supplies information is equally applicable whether you stay or leave).
Cody does provide a lot of practical information on how to economically prepare you and your family to survive on their own for a period of time while the government and community come to grips with the disaster. This is not a concise preparedness manual, but Cody's summary at the end of each chapter severs as a sort of Cliff Notes.
In a tome this large, it's inevitable that some areas are better than others, but there's really only two that I was terribly disappointed in, his coverage of flashlights and his stab at the subject of self-defense. The latter comes off rather lame and is presented in the form of an inetrview with a martial arts instructor, which is only one of many options that need to be considered.
Cody apparently still hasn't quite grasped just how much of a revolution LEDs represent in flashlights, though he does mention them. He never mentions headlamps, one of the most practical solutions. He also spends an inordinate amount of space on chemical lightsticks, including an entire page of the color insert in the center of the book devoted to the largely irrelevant issue of getting more intense light from one by heating it up in some hot water, with no mention of their serious drawbacks, including that they have relatively short shelf life.
I could have done without Cody's preaching about being environmentally conscious, being green and the like. Cody obviously believes strongly in this, and to his credit he practices what he preaches, but in my opinion it gets in the way of the preparedness message. Preparedness is a difficult enough sell without constantly preaching a socio-political message. Having said all that, this is still one of the best books on disaster preparedness and a good addtion to you survival library.
Cody operates Aboriginal Living Skills School and is also the author of "98.6 Degrees - The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive!"
Wright's Complete Disaster Survival Manual - How To Prepare
For Earthquakes, Flood, Tornados, & Other Natural Disasters |
| Ted Wright, 1993 Ted Write, Hampton
Roads Publishing, ISBN:1-878901-80-X, 285 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 3/4 inches
There is a lot of very good information in this text. Unfortunately, Wright repeats
himself so often, it is likely at least a third longer than necessary. Wright is a survival
evangelist and after a while one tires of the hard sell. Not that he is necessarily wrong, but
it gets old after the umpteenth repeating. Perhaps that's what is necessary to get the point
across, but I'd prefer a more readable and better edited text.
The recommendations are oriented primarily toward earthquake preparedness, the other
disasters in the title get relatively short shrift. If his preaching style doesn't put you off, the
recommendations are generally very sound and those living in disaster prone areas could do
much worse than to use this book for preparation. It goes well beyond the simple-minded
basics of most consumer oriented disaster texts and focuses on the very real potential for
problems that might well be waiting down the road due to poor preparation by
government and others.
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Backcountry First Aid and Extended Care - Third Edition
| Buck Tilton, 1998 Buck Tilton, ICS Books,
ISBN:0-934802-99-8, 75 pages, 4 x 5 3/8 x 7/32 inches
An adequate mini-manual for small first aid kits. Well written, well organized, but few
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Commonsense Outdoor Medicine and Emergency Companion
| Newell D. Breyfogle, 1993 Ragged
Mountain Press, Ragged Mountain Press, ISBN:0-87742-381-4, 432 pages, 5 x 7 x 1 1/4
See cross listing in General Survival section
This is a passable attempt to combine thorough coverage of medical concerns with the
basics of survival information. Unfortunately, as a result, many survival kits weigh less.
Well illustrated, it reads like it was written by a college professor. Surprise! It was. The
medical information is practical and reasonably thorough, if not as comprehensive as some
other texts.
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A Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness &
Travel Medicine - Second Edition |
| Eric Weiss, 1998 Adventure Medical Kits,
0-96597-680-7, 198 pages, 4 1/4 x 6 1/8 x 1/4 inches
Don't let the title mislead you. Anything this compact could hardly be termed
"comprehensive." Notwithstanding that bit of editorial license, it covers all the bases, includes plenty of practical filed expedient tips and is the best of the
mini-manuals for inclusion in a small to moderate sized medical kit.
Emergency Medical Procedures for the Outdoors - Second Edition
| Gordon Benner & Richard Church & Lance
Feild, 1996 Patient Care Publications, Mensha Ridge Press, ISBN:0-89732-051-4, 120 pages,
6 x 9 x 5/16 inches
This medical guide uses flow charts for diagnosis and treatment of most common
wilderness medical problems. It is a superb presentation, well thought out and excellent for
the novice. It walks the user through each procedure one step at a time. It would be nice if
it was a bit more compact, because it would be great in the field.
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Far From Help - Backcountry Medical Care
| Peter Steele M.D., 1991 Peter Steele.
Cloudcap, ISBN:0938567-26-8, 241 pages, 4 1/2 x 6 11/16 x 11/16 inches
You don't have to read far to figure out the author is British. It can make for some
entertaining reading for anyone not familiar with the King's English. There is plenty of
good information and practical suggestions for field expedient medical care, though Steel's
recommended prescription medicines for the medical kit are probably far beyond what most
will carry. The layout takes some getting used to, but the book is well illustrated. One of
its advantages is its size, not too small, but not too big, a suitable size for a moderate to
large survival kit with far more information than any of the medical mini-manuals could
Medicine For Mountaineering & Other Wilderness
Activities - Fifth Edition |
| James A. Wilkerson, M.D., 2001 The
Mountaineers, The Mountaineers, ISBN:0-89886-799-1, 365 pages, 6 7/8 x 8 1/2 x 3/4 inches
One of the classic texts on wilderness medicine, an authoritative tome. As
comprehensive as any non-medically trained person could want. It could stand more
illustrations, but that's really picking nits.
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Medicine For The Backcountry |
| Buck Tilton M.S. and Frank Hubbell D.O.,
1994 Tilton and Hubbell, ICS Books, ISBN:1-57034-002-1, 192 pages, 6 x 9 x 1/2 inches
Not compact enough to make a good field guide, not quite comprehensive enough to
make a good text, this book is caught in no-man's land seeking an identity. It is well written
and reasonably well illustrated, but I found the organization a bit odd and not very functional
for a book that purports to be a field guide. Basic treatments, "The Barehanded Principles,"
are listed at the end of sections instead of the beginning, like a textbook
Medicine For The Outdoors - The Essential Guide to Emergency Medical Procedures and First Aid |
| Paul S. Auerbach, M.D., 1999 Paul S.
Auerbach, The Lyons Press, ISBN: 1-5582172-3151-2 pages, 6 x 9 x 1 inches
Derived from his larger medical text, this one is aimed at the lay reader, but all the
most essential information remains. A bit dryer than the other comparable texts, it still
provides authoritative medical information, if not scintillating prose.
Auerbach also has a video: Medicine For The
Outdoors - A Guide to Emergency Medical Procedures and First Aid
NOLS Wilderness First Aid - Third Edition |
| Tod Schimelpfenig & Linda Lindsey,
1991 National Outdoor Leadership School, Stackpole Books, ISBN:0-8117-2864-1, 356
pages, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 1 inches
A text for wilderness medical training courses, this text is excellent for advanced
preparation. Well suited to those with very limited medical knowledge. Well organized,
well illustrated and easy for the lay person to comprehend, just what you want a textbook to
be. Not a concise emergency field reference, though it would be very effective in the hands
of someone who was already familiar with the text.
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OUTsmart Field Guide
| Ron Dawson, 1998 Ron Dawson, Integrity House Publishing, ISBN:0-9647141-3-2, 58 pages, 3 3/4 x 7 x 3/16
inches, 2.9 oz.
See cross listing in General Survival section
This is the latest version of this publication that lost a little something along the way--waterproofness. The expense was apparently too great to continue to produce the waterproof editon, but this is printed on glossy heavyweight stock, so it's better than many at shedding an occasional drenching or some rain--a fair compromise. Perforated page edges allow you to tab index the book, making it a snap to find what you need using the table of contents at the front, a very nice feature. First half of this survival manual covers first aid, second half covers survival. It covers all the basics for both in a succinct and easily understood manner. Not the smallest and not the most complete, something in-between.
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The Outward Bound Wilderness First-Aid Handbook
| Jeffrey Isaac, 1998 Wilderness Medical Associates, Lyons Press,
ISBN:1-55821-682-0, 258 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 x 11/16 inches
A text for wilderness medical training courses, designed for advanced preparation.
Well suited to those with very limited medical knowledge. Not the best choice as concise
emergency field references.
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The Pocket Doctor - A Passport to Healthy Travel - Third Edition |
| Stephen Bezruchka M.D., 1999 Bezruchka,
The Mountaineers, ISBN:0-89886-614-6, 96 pages, 4 1/16 x 6 1/4 x 3/16 inches
Too much emphasis on "travel medicine" and no illustrations drag this otherwise
adequate mini-manual down.
Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook |
| Multiple Authors,
2001 Teton NewMedia and The Geneva Foundation, ISBN:1-893441-54-7, 680 pages, 4.75 x 7.375 x 1.5 inches (excluding binding rings), 23.3 oz., waterproof
This is an exceptional field medical manual that covers just about every eventuality a wilderness or remote medical provider is likely to run into, and many they likely never will. It is well organized, well written, and includes good illustrations. The type size is very small, but readable. If you anticipate needing this sort of all-encompassing reference manual, this is the one to get. It's waterproof and will stand up to abuse.
What this is not, is a medical manual for everyone. The text, while clear and likely understandable to anyone with a reasonable education, is really aimed at someone with a modicum of medical knowledge; EMT, Wilderness Medical, or similar training. A novice without good judgement could get themselves into a good deal of trouble. Much of the treatment advice requires specialized prescription drugs or prior training to accomplish safely. While compact for all that it contains, it is still not light, nearly a pound and a half, so the average backpacker or survivalist is going to find this way too much for their purposes. However, because it is loose leaf, you could remove a lot of irrelevant material, as far as likely wilderness medical issues are concerned, and end up with a much more compact and lightweight manual for such use.
Wilderness Medical Associates Field Guide (3rd Edition) |
| Jim Morrissey,
2000 Wilderness Medical Associates, Wilderness Medical Associates, ISBN:0-9704-6460-6, 99 pages, 4 5/16 x 6 x 5/16 inches, 5.8 oz., waterproof
This field guide has a lot going for it; waterproof as any good field manual should be with tearproof pages as well, spiral bound for ease of use, with useable and succinct information. It is written for someone with some degree of wilderness medical, EMT, or medical training or knowledge. Others may find the use of medical terms and abbreviations (not all of which are included on the abbreviation/acronyms page) a bit confusing. There is a good table of contents on the first page and a useful index at the back. Four pages for SOAP notes are included (if you have to ask, this manual may not be the best choice for you). The color illustrations, diagnostic and treatment charts and overall organization are very well done. Provides numerous well illustrated examples of improvisational and field procedures. It adheres to generally accepted wilderness medicine protocols, which assume some means of transport or summoning of help in a reasonable time frame, though there are some indicated for use in a "delayed transport situation." This is the field manual for anyone with the training and knowledge to make proper use of it.
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Wilderness Medicine - Beyond First Aid - Fifth Edition
| William Forgey M.D., 1999 Wm. Forgey,
Globe Pequot Press, ISBN: 0-76270-490-X, 256 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 3/8 x 5/8 inches
A well respected text on wilderness medicine. Excellent as both a primer on the
subject and adaptable for field use. Not quite as exhaustive as some, but plenty for the
novice to intermediate user.
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The Captain's Guide To Liferaft Survival |
| Michael Cargal, 1990 Michael Cargal,
Sheridan House, ISBN:0-924486-00-7, 182 pages, 5 5/8 x 8 3/4 x 9/16 inches, hardcover
Generally good advice, with a few gaffs showing less than complete familiarity with
contemporary life rafts. Well organized and easy to read and understand, good navigation
section with extensive carts, but no blank or gridded pages to work on. Not waterproof, a
serious failing in any life raft survival manual.
Emergency Navigation - Pathfinding Techniques for the Inquisitive and Prudent Mariner |
| David Burch, 1986 International Marine, International Marine, ISBN:0-07-156558-2, 248 pages, 7 1/8 x 10 x 3/4
The title says it all. Burch covers just about every possible navigation technique for use when the chips are down and the GPS has given out. The book isn't waterproof, so it would be best to read and practice the techniques well ahead of any real need and we'd recommend getting the laminated card below for reference in an emergency.
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Essentials of Sea Survival |
| Frank Golden and Michael Tipton, 2002 Frank Golden and Michael Tipton, Human Kinetics, ISBN: 0-7360-0215-4, 304 pages, 6 x 9 x 3/4 inches, paperback
While the title would suggest a broad focus on sea survival, the primary focal point is actually survival in cold-water environments. Since this tends to be the environment that is most immediately dangerous for sea survivors, and technically an environment that includes the majority of the world's large bodies of water, it is worthy of the attention. However, buyers should not expect this text to cover other areas of the subject in near the same detail. Golden and Tipton (both British) are two of the world's leading authorities on cold water survival and the physiological effects of cold on the human body. This book incorporates their years of research and scholarly publications into a text that can be read and understood by the non-academic.
The text provides a fascinating and eye-opening look into the physiological responses of survivors to the water survival environment. In many cases, this will challenge long-held beliefs and understandings about how potential survivors turn into fatalities. Along the way it dispels numerous myths and old wives' tales, providing an enlightened scientific basis for what occurs upon immersion or in a life raft. This, in turn, provides the basis for useful recommendations for extending survival times and upon which to base purchase decisions with regards to survival gear. This is a must read for anyone interested in the subject of water survival.
Considering the technical detail included, it is remarkably readable. There is an excellent bibliography and useable index. There are a few notable lapses, the most glaring being the authors' apparent ignorance of advances in life raft design that have been introduced in the past decade, both in marine (especially recreational marine) and aviation. Thus, some of their comments regarding life rafts are no longer entirely correct. (reviewed 7/30/2002)
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Experiment in Survival - Across the Pacific with George Sigler |
| George Sigler, 2001 George Sigler,
Vero Technical Support, ISBN:0-9711100-0-X, 199 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 7/16 inches, paperback
In 1974, Navy Reserve pilot George Sigler set out with fellow pilot Charlie Gore to prove that a marine survival kit he had designed and planned to market was worth the expense. His plan was to sail a "raft," actually a Zodiac RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat), from San Francisco, California, to Hawaii. Sigler did his homework and shares with you his research and development of his survival kit. The narrative of his successful trip, during which they depending entirely upon the survival kit for sustenance, is pretty interesting and worth slogging through. Some of the information is dated, nothing serious, but overall some good information here. Includes 37 B&W photos and a generic listing of the contents of his kit.
Starpath Emergency Navigation Card |
| David Burch, 1997 David F. Burch, Paradise Cay Publications, 8 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches
The companion to the above text designed expressly for use in the marine environment, this plastic laminated card is pretty water resistant. It is intended as a quick reference to the emergency navigation techniques covered in depth in the text above. Printed on both sides in three colors, it is chock full of useful emergency navigation information and includes techniques for steering without a compass, finding speed without a knotmeter, finding latitude from sun and stars without sextant or watch, etc. It also includes "the world's shortest sight reduction table." It's worth including in any life raft, life boat or abandon ship bag, but read the book first!.
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Survival At Sea |
| R.P. Brandt, 1994 R.P. Brandt, Paladin
Press, ISBN:0-87364-770-X, 170 pages. 8 1/2 x 11 1/2 x 7 1/16 inches
This survival manual is laid out in outline form. It is derived primarily from USAF
Survival School materials. Unfortunately, not waterproof and a bit dated in some respects,
but overall, not bad. Well organized, easy to understand text and pretty easy to find the
information you need. Very good section on navigation with charts, sky charts and grids to
work navigation problems. How useful they would be when wet is another
Survivor |
| Michael Greenwald, Edited by Steve
Callahan and Dougal Robertson, 1989 Michael Greenwald, Blue Horizons Press,
ISBN:0-931297-03-6 (paperback), 0-931297-02-8 (hardcover), 600 pages, 7 1/4 x 9 1/4 x 1
This marine survival "bible" should be required reading for all who venture out on the
sea. This text is entertaining and well written, nicely illustrated and encyclopedic in its
coverage of the subject. Read it, use it to prepare, then pack it way in a sealed waterproof
bag, it isn't waterproof, and stuff it in your abandon ship kit/grab bag/survival bag when you
put out to sea.
Water Wise - Safety for the Recreational Boater |
| Jerry Dzugan and Susan Clark Jensen, 1999 University of Alaska Sea Grant and U.S. Marine Safety Association,
ISBN:1-56612-058-6, 196 pages, 8 1/2 x 5 3/4 x 9/16 inches
A comprehensive introduction to boating safety issues including water safety and survival equipment, basic water survival, basic land survival and basic first aid. More cold water/weather considerations than most general books on the subject. Well written and very nicely illustrated with no glaring errors. Excellent for the beginning boater, a good review for those more experienced.
Never Again - A Self-Defense Guide for the Flying Public |
| Mark H. Bogosian, Tommy L. Hamilton, Michael K. Regan, 2004 Crew Defense Tactics, LLC, Brown Books, ISBN:0-9744597-2-0, 186 pages
This is essentially a very good self-defense instruction manual for flight crew, and particularly flight attendants, that has been repositioned for the wider consumer market, preying on fears generated by the tragedies of 9/11. It does a reasonably good job of illustrating (via B&W photos) various close quarters combat techniques potentially suitable for use in the confines of transport (airline) aircraft (137 pages of the total). It does include some generally good advice for passengers, but overall it was a disappointment in this regard. It is clear that it was not written expressly for the flying public and misses the mark in some respects. It provides only minimal practical advice for passengers with regards to improvised weapons and their use or about organizing to resist a hijacking. For anyone not interested in pursuing the training required to make use of the techniques illustrated, it is of limited value and it doesn't adequately emphasize the need for this training, potentially leading to a dangerous false sense of confidence. For those determined not to allow another 9/11 to occur on their flight, it is a good place to start, but it is not the complete answer. Pacifists need not apply.
Adrift - Seventy-six days lost
at sea |
| Steven
Callahan, 1986 Steven Callahan, Ballantine Books, ISBN:0-3454-1015-7, 234 pages
Adrift is a classic of survival literature. Callahan not only exhibited an
extraordinary will to survive during his seventy six day ordeal, he also tells the tale
eloquently. The book is enthralling and Callahan's inventiveness and improvisation skills are
mindboggling to behold. Surely, there are few other survival tales that are as impressive or
as inspirational or as good a read.
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Albatross - The true story of a woman's survival at sea
| Deborah Scaling
Kiley and Meg Noonan, 1994 Deborah Scaling Kiley, Houghton Mifflin,
ISBN:0-55357-365-9, 210 pages
Kiley was an experienced sailor who allowed herself to be put in a position that nearly
killed her. Lots of lessons about what not to do and how not to conduct even a simple
cruise. This is a story about the difference a strong will to survive and some basic survival
knowledge can make. Five castaways survived the sinking of the 59 ft."Trashman," only
Kiley and another survived the mind and body numbing, four day ordeal.
Capsized - The True Story of Four Men Adrift for 119 Days
| James Nalepka and Steven
Callahan, 1992 James Nalepka and Steven Callahan, HarperCollins, ISBN:0-06-017961-9, 221 pages
Capsized is an incredible tale superbly told by a master of the genre. After their trimaran was capsized in a gale just three days out of New Zealand, four disparate shipmates struggle to survive on the capsized trimaran for 119 days until rescued. The survival details are facinating, but none so much as the psychological aspects of the experience. This is a gripping story, extremely well told, entertaining and educational.
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Desperate Journeys, Abandoned Souls - True Stories of castaways
and Other Survivors |
| Edward E. Leslie, 1988 Edward Leslie,
Houghton Mifflin Co., ISBN:0-395-91150-8, 586 pages
A fascinating collection of survival tales, from the 17th century through modern
times, annotated with incisive commentary. Somewhat dry and scholarly in its approach, it
is filled with interesting historical details and thought provoking analysis. These are stories
about the "will to survive" that are both inspirational and frightening at the same time. Not
an easy read, but worth the effort.
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Experiment in Survival - Across the Pacific with George Sigler |
| George Sigler, 2001 George Sigler,
Vero Technical Support, ISBN:0-9711100-0-X, 199 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 7/16 inches, paperback
In 1974, Navy Reserve pilot George Sigler set out with fellow pilot Charlie Gore to prove that a marine survival kit he had designed and planned to market was worth the expense. His plan was to sail a "raft," actually a Zodiac RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat), from San Francisco, California, to Hawaii. Sigler did his homework and shares with you his research and development of his survival kit. The narrative of his successful trip, during which they depending entirely upon the survival kit for sustenance, is pretty interesting and worth slogging through. Some of the information is dated, nothing serious, but overall some good information here. Includes 37 B&W photos and a generic listing of the contents of his kit.
Fatal Storm - The Inside Story of the Tragic Sydney-Hobart Race |
| Rob Mundle, 1999 Rob Mundle, International Marine (div. McGraw-Hill), ISBN:0-07-135698-3, 251 pages
Starting from Sydney Harbor, Australia, on December 26 1998, 115 sail boats headed downwind towards Hobart, Tasmania in the 53rd running of this internationally acclaimed race. Only 44 boats made it to Hobart. Five boats sank, six sailors died, 55 sailors were taken off their yachts, most by helicopter. The weather "bomb" that devistated the fleet in the Bass Strait caught almost all by surprise. Based on 125 interviews with those involved, Mundle does an admirable job painting a colorful and detailed picture of the difficulties faced by the crews in this race and of the heroic rescues that saved dozens who might well have been lost but for their efforts. This is a page turner that holds your attention as you battle the fierce storm alongside the crews and rescuers. As with previous racing disasters, there are lessons to be learned, some all over again. Mundle doesn't analyze what transpired, he just recounts the gripping story of survival. You'll have to draw your own conclusions. The book suffers somewhat from the rush to press, but not unduly, and time has not altered the facts presented.
The Last Voyage of the Karluk - A Survivor's Memoir of Arctic Disaster |
| William Laird McKinlay, 1976 Willaim McKinlay, Griffin Trade Paperback, ISBN:0-312-20655-0, 192 pages
For 56 years after surviving the ill-fated arctic expedition, William McKinlay kept his story to himself, stewing that the truth was never told while the incompetant leader of the expedition, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, was accorded honors. Those who suffered and died had never been given their due. Before he passed away, McKinlay had to tell their story. They set out in 1914 with McKinlay an idealistic young scientist who had no arctic experience. Betrayed by Stefansson's poor planning and preparations, the Karluk is stuck fast in the arctic ice pack, the start of a survival ordeal that would last a year over the cold and unforgiving arctic winter. Twenty five survivors were stranded on the ice after the Karluk was crushed. Eleven, including McKinlay, survived to be rescued the next spring in an awe-inspiring tale of determination against all odds. McKinlay tells the tale well and there's lots to learn from his experience. A good read.
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Our Last Chance - Sixty-Six Deadly Days Adrift
| Bill Butler and
Simone Butler, 1991 Bill and Simone Butler, Exmart Press, ISBN:0-9632519-0-2, 313 pages
After their 36 ft. sailboat, Siboney, was sunk by whales, the Butlers spent
66 days adrift in their small life raft, one of the longer raft survival experiences in modern
times. Butler will never win any prizes for his writing, but it is a tale worth the effort to
read. There are some important lessons, one of the most significant being their practical
experience using a manually operated reverse osmosis desalinator, a Katadyn PUR Survivor 35, to make
fresh water and survive, the first such incident on record.
Rescue in the Pacific - A True Story of Disaster and
Survival in a Force 12 Storm |
| Tony Farrington, 1996 International Marine,
International Marine (div. McGraw-Hill), ISBN:0-07-021367-4, 273 pages
In early June of 1994, a flotilla of cruising yachts sailing from New Zealand to Tonga
in the South Pacific were caught up in a rouge typhoon. It doesn't get any worse than a
Force 12 storm. One crew of very experienced sailors lost their lives. There were a number
of perilous and heroic rescues. Farrington chronicles the events, from start to finish, in a
gripping style that will keep you spellbound. Included are photos of a number of the rescues.
There are numerous important lessons to be learned from this event, but perhaps the most
important is about the extraordinary effectiveness of the 406 MHz EPIRB (emergency
beacon), don't leave port without one!
The Proving Ground |
| G. Bruce Knecht, 2001 G. Bruce Knecht, Little Brown & Co., ISBN:0-316-49955-2, 295 pages
A gripping narrative of the tragic 1998 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. This book focuses on the crews much more than the rescuers or the rescues, which story was covered better in Fatal Storm, which came out shortly after the event. Knecht had access to the likes of Larry Ellison (Oracle founder and owner of the winning yacht), which adds an entirely different perspective to the telling of this story. The book probes the depths of character of the participants and the whys and wherefores of their decisions--decisions that sometimes proved fatal for the boats or crew, or both. The book benefits from the passage of time since the disaster; particpants were more willing to talk freely for the most part and the facts are clearer as a result of the multiple inquries held. This is a "must read" for anyone who is interested in marine survival, and a darn good read for everyone else.
Survivor |
| Ruthanne
Lum McCunn, 1985 Ruthanne Lum McCunn, Beacon Press,
ISBN: 0-80707-139-0 (paper), 235 pages
Poon Lim's 133 day survival experience, after the freighter "Benlomond" was sunk by
a U-Boat during WW-II, has become the standard by which other long term survival episodes
are judged. With no knowledge of the sea and limited resources, Lim survived because of
his tenacity, basic intellectual capabilities and the ability to learn quickly and not make the
same mistake twice. Well researched, this is the best, and likely most accurate, of the many
narratives of Poon Lim's ordeal.
Survive the Savage
Sea |
| Dougal
Robertson, 1973 Dougal Robertson, Sheridan House, ISBN:0-924486-73-2, 219 pages
The schooner Lucette was attacked and sunk by killer whales late in the
morning on June 15, 1972. Dougal Robertson, his wife, twins and a companion were cast
adrift on a 37 day survival ordeal. Strength of character and plenty of improvisation see this
family through to rescue in amazingly good shape. Robertson vividly recalls the experiences
in this classic of survival tales. This book was the first of the contemporary long term sea
survival tales and Robertson's excellent writing set a high standard for those that followed.
Out of print for years, this reprint is very welcome. This book is chock full of hard earned
lessons for any survivor, no matter whether on the sea or land.
His experiences recounted in this book were the motivation for Robertson's other
classic, "Sea Survival - A Manual," (An excellent manual, though now somewhat dated and
long out of print) which broke new ground for marine survival manuals.
Publisher and Editor: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
Revision: 49 November 28, 2009

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